Strengthen Live online community groups for christian women

Thank you for considering joining the Strengthen Live! Community. A copy of this agreement will be emailed to you once you have paid and registered. Please read and agree/e-sign the copy that is sent to you to complete your registration.

As a member, you are choosing to join a group facilitated by Andrea Urquhart, an associate of Strengthen Ltd or a guest host. Each group is facilitated and may include teaching, coaching and mentoring alongside other group activities such as networking and interaction between members in whole group or breakout room segments.

Please read and agree to community rules and policies as stated below:

– You understand that the community adopts a Christian worldview based on a living faith and relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You agree to attending Strengthen groups that are run with this foundational belief and support this ethos.

– You agree to treat group sessions as confidential for all parties. This means that outside of the group, you do not discuss other group members or any information they have shared within the group unless you have express permission from them to do so. You will not do this privately, publicly or in any form of media. The exception to this is in situations where there is a safeguarding risk as listed below.

– Should you have safeguarding concerns about another member, please contact Andrea or the group leader in confidence as soon as possible.

Confidentiality and safeguarding:

I will treat your information and any information discussed with you confidentially, unless it falls into one of the following risk categories in which case I reserve the right to act upon and share information of concern in line with UK legislation and guidelines:

– Where you, the client or group member, disclose the risk or the event of significant harm to yourself or others.
– Any child protection or safeguarding issue that may arise.
– Information received regarding terrorist activities or the grooming of individuals for extreme purposes.
Group Sessions

Sessions are via online video call. You may need to download an app onto your computer or device.

You must ensure that you are in a private, quiet space to join the group session. This is not only to ensure that you make the most of the session, but to avoid background distractions for other group attendees.

You agree to keep your video on for group calls and to be fully present and participating for the duration of the call.

Strengthen Live! is a community that values live attendance in groups and fostering a safe, inclusive environment in which members may share confidentially and with confidence. This means that community group sessions will not usually be recorded. Due to the purpose and nature of workshop group sessions, these may be recorded in part. When a group session or part of a session is being recorded, attendees will be made aware of this. These recordings will not usually be made available to group members or non-group members and will not be made available to replace live attendance of a group.


Payment is via monthly subscription or single payment as agreed when you sign up.

In addition:

– You agree to arrive promptly to the sessions.

– I ask you to give me, associate facilitators or guest facilitators permission to explore, question and respectfully challenge any potentially self-limiting attitudes or ways of thinking and behaving.

– I agree to be ready to work with you at the agreed time, be open-minded, non-judgemental, focussed, considerate and respectful, and undertake any additional preparation that might be necessary in order to work with the group effectively.

– I also undertake to provide support within the group through careful listening, questioning and constructive challenge to assist you in your development.

– You understand that the fulfilment of the aims of personal and group coaching and networking is influenced by your willingness to engage fully in the session, to interact respectfully with others and to respond reflectively to feedback.

Termination of agreement:

You may unsubscribe from regular community groups and membership at any time by cancelling your subscription payment.

No refund will be given for the remainder of the calendar month subscription cycle in which you cancel your subscription.

Payment for workshop groups is non-refundable once each workshop season has begun.

Andrea and Strengthen Ltd also reserve the right to discontinue your community and/or workshop group membership if group rules and expectations are not upheld by you.

Your session will begin promptly at the agreed time, when the session minutes begin to take effect. Please ensure that you arrive early enough to log onto the online call 5minutes before the meeting time as group sessions will start promptly.

In Summary:

1) We respect each other by keeping the content of group discussions confidential.
2) Your story is your own to share. Other people’s stories and work belong to them. Do not share about other people in any form without their permission.
3) Groups start promptly, please log on 5 minutes early to ensure you are on time.
4) Group sessions will not usually be recorded. These groups are intended to be attended live, in person. You will be made aware if recording is planned or in progress. You will also be made aware of the purpose of the recording.
5) Please respect that the group leader is the facilitator.
6) Behaviour that is detrimental to the group may result in termination of your group membership.

Finally, we’re so excited to welcome you!